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Clan Maclean International Association

About us
The Clan Maclean International Association is the 'umbrella' organisation for the Clan Maclean world-wide. Its members are the Associations whose Presidents are listed below.
It is the forum in which the Presidents of the regional Associations and MacleanNet exchange views about the operation and development of Associations generally.
It seeks to encourage co-operation between these Associations as well as the formation of new Associations.
It shares with these Associations the task of promoting the Clan and its heritage, for today and for future generations.
It is responsible for publishing the International BattleAxe each year and appoints the editor of this magazine.
In countries where there is no local Association the Clan Maclean International Association may appoint National Representatives. These act as channels of communication, in both directions, between the Macleans in their countries and the Clan world-wide. The current National Representatives are:
Country    National Representative    Contact e-mail
Belgium    Fiona White    email
For further information about Clan Maclean International Association, please contact the President here.
Honorary President (the Chief)
The Hon. Sir Lachlan Maclean of Duart and Morvern, Bt, CVO
Stuart J McLean OAM
Clan Maclean Association in Australia Inc.
Vice President
Selwyn Lane
Pacific Northwest, USA
Immediate Past President
Mark Myers
California, USA
Honorary Vice Presidents
Ian MacLean, Atlantic Canada
Anne Maclean of Dochgarroch, Clan Maclean Association
Grant Maclean, Clan Maclean Association in Australia Inc.
Presidents of Clan Maclean Associations
Clan Maclean Association
Ian McLean
Clan Maclean Association of England and Wales
Nicolas Maclean of Pennycross CMG
Clan Maclean Association in the United States
Leslie H. McLean, Ed.D
Clan Maclean Association of California, USA
Mark Myers
Clan Maclean Association, Pacific NW, USA
Selwyn Lane
Clan Maclean Atlantic, Canada
George MacLean
Clan Maclean Association in Australia Inc.
Bruce MacLean
Clan Maclean Association Western Australia
Margo Beeton
Clan Maclean Association of New Zealand
J. Ian McLean
Clan Maclean Association of France
Alan R M McLean
Ian McLean
Honorary Members of Council
The following current or past Presidents of their respective Associations are Honorary Members of Council:
Margo Henshaw, Western Australia
Claude Hicks, Clan Maclean Association in the United States
Kirk Lane, Clan Maclean Association in the United States
The Very Rev. Allan Maclean of Dochgarroch, Clan Maclean Association
Alan McLean, France
Alasdair MacLean, New Zealand
Rev Bob MacLean, Atlantic Canada
Edwin Maclean, CMA in Australia
George MacLean, Atlantic Canada
Ian McLean, New Zealand
Jim McClean, Pacific North-West, USA
Katrine McLean, New Zealand
Marigold Maclean, CMA in Australia
Murray MacLean, Atlantic Canada
Peter MacLean, Western Australia
Robin Maclean of Ardgour, Clan Maclean Association
Rod McLean, California
Sandra McLean, California
Alasdair White, MacleanNet
Jenny Wilton, London
Wendy McLean, Clan Maclean Association
William Douglas, Clan Maclean Association
The editor of BattleAxe, named below, is also traditionally an Honorary Member of Council.
BattleAxe editor
The Constitution of the Association may be seen here.
For Council members only, further information is available here.