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Clan Maclean Heritage Trust

Current projects

Following the completion of two major projects in North America (see 2013 Events), the Trust has under consideration the following projects.

Beaton Cross
Beaton Cross
  • A cairn to commemorate the famous Rankin College of Piping at or near Kilbrennan on Mull. Pipe Music of the Clan Maclean includes a historical review of the Rankins and their important contribution to piping, written by Iain MacInnes, a Music Producer at BBC Scotland. The Rankins were the traditional pipers to the Clan Maclean. For more on this book, see here.

  • Stabilisation of, and improved access to, the Beaton Cross, a scheduled monument near Pennyghael on Mull. This is an important mediaeval cross with an inscription dated 1582, commemorating Gille-Coluim MacBethadh and his son Domnall, members of the Beaton family. The Beatons were the traditional physicians to the Clan Maclean.

  • Restoration of the railings around the monument to Hector MacLean of Ballymartin at Ballygrant on Islay. Hector MacLean was a schoolmaster who taught John Francis Campbell and helped him to assemble his famous collection of The Popular Tales of the West Highlands, published between 1860 and 1862, which saved an important part of Gaelic's oral tradition for posterity. This has been completed.

'The Clan Maclean' written by a 'Seneachie'
Frontispiece of Seneachie History
Meanwhile the Trust is producing a CD version of An Historical and Genealogical Account of the Clan Maclean, from its first Settlement at Duart Castle, in the Isle of Mull, to the present period, written by "a Seneachie" [a family chronicler, in this case a nom de plume]. This is the earliest published history of the Clan, dated 1838. It has no index, and the Trust is assembling one.

Another long-term project that is currently in progress is an online Register with brief biographical details of more than 400 eminent Macleans and others of historical interest, demonstrating the notable contributions which Macleans have made, and are still making, in politics, medicine, literature, music, sport, exploration and other forms of scientific endeavour, military campaigns and many other fields.

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